Digital transformation is an essential strategy for agribusiness.

In an era of digital change, business leaders need to understand which factors contribute to success and which do not, in order to remain competitive. Digital transformation helps companies to see in the current technological constraints the ability to innovate and, as a result, grow and develop. Often the problem is that it is necessary to implement changes without going beyond the usual framework, but the transformation consists not only in introducing the latest technologies and moving to a new business model, but also in a new way of thinking.
Digital transformation is not the installation of modern equipment or software, it is, first of all, fundamental changes in approaches to management, corporate culture, external communications. As a result, the productivity of each employee and the level of customer satisfaction increase, and the company gains a reputation as a progressive and modern organization.
Without a clear strategy and vision, it is impossible to successfully digitally transform a company of any size - you need to understand exactly how digital transformation will help the company move in the right direction and achieve its goals.
An important point: digital transformation is a long-term project that requires a systematic and serious approach. But even after the successful implementation of such a complex process it is impossible to stop: you need to constantly develop the company taking into account new technologies and developments.
The basis for any changes are data. It can be argued that all the necessary information is already available in each organization, you just need to be able to find and correctly interpret it. Agribusiness is no exception.
Achieve maximum efficiency in data analytics allows artificial intelligence (AI). It increases the speed of business processes on a global scale and an understanding of the basic principles of its work is a prerequisite for the digital transformation of any business. So with the help of Smart4Agro solution, ALAN-IT LLC was able to prove that such technologies are simple and affordable for agribusiness.
Thanks to digital counterparts and artificial intelligence, any economic feasibility can be calculated both at the stage of operation of the economy and at the stage of the project of implementation and construction of a new complex. Artificial intelligence has not yet made decisions for you, but tells you what the right managerial decision, confirmed by expert judgment, should be made. Moreover, the expert assessment is confirmed by domestic experience in operating agricultural complexes, and not foreign, which differs not only in climate, but also in the features of work.
Our service is a single situational center where the business owner has absolutely all the information that flows into the application systems that control the organization’s business processes from any device at any time and anywhere in the world with Internet access.
At the moment, the ALAN-IT LLC portfolio has two Digital Double solutions for agribusiness - a service for large greenhouse complexes and a service for large dairy production - Dairy Production Analytics system
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