Service for data collection, monitoring, analysis and management of IoT devices

ALAN-IT has developed the ALAN IoT Application IoT service, designed to collect, receive, transmit and process data from various devices, monitor incoming information, analyze data received from devices and systems, work with users, configure and send various notifications, display information and current data from devices on the map.
Temperature and humidity sensor data
ALAN IoT Application service is suitable for use at the following sites:
- Dairy farms;
- Pig breeding enterprises;
- Poultry enterprises;
- Premises for storing veterinary drugs;
- Greenhouse facilities;
- Storage facilities for fruits and vegetables;
- Floor type granaries;
- Warehouses;
- Server rooms, etc.
Depending on the location of the sensors, various scenarios for responding to changes in the climatic situation at the facility are being worked out. In addition, ALAN IoT Application collects data in such a way that it can be used for forecasting and advanced analytics both in ready-made services of the Smart4Agro line - Smart Greenhouse, Smart Storage, Smart Silo and Dairy Production Analytics, as well as in individual industry solutions with predictive and prescriptive analytics.
The page for working with sensors
Examples of scenarios for using ALAN IoT Application in agriculture:
1. On dairy farms in the cold season, if the gates or curtains are not closed, the temperature on the farm decreases, which leads to a decrease in the temperature of the feed on the feed table, water in the drinkers, uncomfortable housing conditions, and this ultimately leads to a decrease in productivity. The service will send a notification if the temperature drops below the permissible values. In turn, the DPA service will show the economics of the influence of these factors.
2. In the summer, in the heat, cows get heat stress, which is why milk yield drops, so additional ventilation and plenty of drinking is necessary. The service monitors the temperature and humidity on the farm, and, based on the THI index, signals when the readings are too high.
3. If the water in the drinkers is dirty, the cows drink less water, suffer from dehydration, which negatively affects the level of milk yield. Using the service and sensors, the level of water consumption is monitored, personnel are notified in case of violations of regulatory indicators. The service also allows you to identify malfunctions of the drinking system. In the cold season, it is also important to heat the water, the service allows you to monitor the water temperature.
4. If the conditions for maturation or storage of silage are violated, it deteriorates. Spoiled silage cannot be used to feed animals - they can get diseases related to digestion, which will entail a decrease in milk production. The service monitors the state of temperature inside the silo trench and allows you to use the silo on time without losses and animal diseases.
5. Control of climatic parameters allows to predict the productivity of the poultry farm.
6. It is possible to use the service for auditing the climate control system in the greenhouse.
7. The service allows you to estimate the temperature of the grain and understand when it may start to deteriorate.
The application allows you to configure critical indicators, create a group of responsible users who receive notifications in case of deviations from the norm (user notification via Telegram and e-mail notifications), as well as conduct historical data analytics and see trends.
Configuring notifications
You can also split or combine sensors into groups with reference to specific accommodation facilities, including on the map, and monitor and analyze specific facilities.
The page for working with sensors and the ability to group them
Displaying sensors on the map
The application has the ability to receive and process data from devices operating not only using LoRa data transmission technology, but also with other data transfer formats on demand. The service has an API for exchanging data with sensors and services from other vendors, so we are open for partnerships and joint projects!
You can clarify the tariffication of the service by leaving a request on our website or by writing to us at
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