Modern farm audit

Everyone who is engaged in agribusiness is a great professional in his field. Over the years of communication, we have never met farm owners who did not understand the technological features of dairy production.
We are sure that you know better than us where it is more profitable to buy feed, remember which animals from your herd have the best genetics and daily cope with a huge number of small tasks. There is another side to immersion in the processes - you cannot adequately see all the activities of the farm, and therefore develop. Therefore, even the most experienced people in any field of activity require an outside view or audit.
To conduct an audit, the farm owners invite consultants who evaluate the processes, equipment, staff level, compare with the best practices of other farms and give recommendations on what needs to be changed and how this will affect the results of the farm.
We consider this approach outdated, because each farm is individual, which means that it makes no sense to compare it with others, it is necessary to find weaknesses and opportunities based on the activities of a separate farm.
We offer owners and managers of farms to audit a farm using a modern analytical tool - the Dairy Production Analitycs service. This approach to auditing eliminates the human factor and provides a meaningful assessment based on quantitative indicators.
How the audit works
The service connects to any data sources on the farm:
- Herd management system,
- Milking parlors,
- Feed mixers,
- Feed dispensers,
- ERP system, etc.
Automation systems provide data that allows you to understand key processes, identify existing errors and shortcomings on a particular farm, make recommendations and evaluate their economic efficiency.
Why audit is necessary
A farm audit based on automation data will be beneficial to the farm owner, investor and manager.
For the owner of the farm, the audit makes it possible to reduce the time for managing the farm, increase the profitability of the enterprise and prove to potential investors the profitability and validity of the investment with a digital assessment of the payback period.
A potential investor to see the possibilities of developing a farm, assess the return on investment and understand how to reduce the return on investment.
For the manager, the audit allows you to establish processes, find ways to increase profits and reduce costs, make the farm more efficient, show the owners the feasibility and economic effect of costs.
As a result of the audit, the customer receives a report with recommendations and a business case, understands where he is losing money, can adjust business processes and make the most of existing resources. Conducting an audit using our technology allows:
- To achieve an increase in milk yield up to 18% *;
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions;
- Reduce the likelihood of diseases associated with digestion;
- Detect violations and errors of personnel and correct them;
- Establish reasonable KPIs for farm employees;
- Reduce the cost of feed, veterinary medicine;
- Reduce the cost of milk production;
- Reduce silage losses by 66% * of total losses.
* - average value for clients
In the future, after the end of the audit, the farmer, investor or manager can continue to use DPA to monitor the main indicators affecting the results of the farm and operational decision-making.
Do you want to improve the efficiency of dairy production?
Contact our experts and find out the details.
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